The Latest Buzz on Alcohol Commercials!

Tuesday, April 3, 2012

Modern Class and Glamor Goes Airborne

Whipped Cream, and Fluffed Marshmallow.. now those are two modern flavors that might not remind consumers of alcohol. Not only do these flavors scream younger generations, but so does this commercial. Amber Rose is a sexy 29 year old, known for her ties with Kanye West, and recent flame with Wiz Kalifa-- and now she is the spokesperson for Smirnoff Vodka. Between her love affairs with celebrities, her unique style, and the modern setting of this commercial, it is obvious that Smirnoff Vodka is targeting their new flavors to a much younger crowd.

In the Social Media Watch blog, the idea of social media and travel were discussed in this post--Social Media and Travel.
This blog is written by Scott Monty, who is the social media head of Ford Motor Company. Scott does a great job laying out the importance of having consumer-friendly electronic usage in all airports in order for the customer service and ratings to be positive. Charging stations, wifi, as well as speed and accessibility are key aspects mentioned in his post.

These days, travel and social media go hand in hand. It is a huge advantage for a company to be able to reach their market while traveling, instead of just watching tv or going about their busy lives. While on planes, and waiting in lines during travel people (aka potential customers) have downtime and could be absorbent to many commercials , billboards , and advertisements. The blog gives an informative list as to which airports offer free wifi and charging statios per gate, as well as a list for the top 12 airports for social media power users which breaks down the best airports and cities for those who use social media platforms while traveling--whether it is for business or pleasure.

In regards to the Smirnoff commercial, I find it interesting to see how prevalent their ad is on social media websites. Located and talked about on Facebook, Twitter, and YouTube.. Smirnoff will hopefully reach their audience during travel as well as during their everyday life. This is especially important because the younger age that Smirnoff is targeting is often on the go. Whether this is travel by car, plane, train, or boat-- social media needs to be available. On this available social media, which is often limited (especially on something like cruise ships where access is expensive and service is scarce) Smirnoff and all companies trying to advertise need to make themselves known. Overall, Smirnoff does a good job of placing themselves on almost all social media platforms.

As for the specifics on their target market, I am thinking people of the legal drinking age, to about 30 or 35. There is a smooth, and upbeat feel to this commercial that is inviting, and entices both men and women. The music is upbeat and moves into intense tunes by the end of the commercial. The ad shows Smirnoff's new flavors in a sophisticated setting of class, and glamor just as Amber Rose herself is a diva, you may be too once you try Whipped and Fluffed vodka.

Monday, April 2, 2012

Party Sweets

Smirnoff Fluffed Marshmallow plus Whipped Cream vodka plus Amber Rose equals the ultimate combination! Smirnoff Vodka introduces a new commercial featuring the one and only Amber Rose. This diva is an American model, artist, actress, and socialite. She is best known for her high-profile relationship with rapper Kanye West and her recent engagement with rapper Wiz Khalifa.

The TV ad starts with a close up of Amber taking a bite out of a giant fluffy mallow as people are dancing around in a completely blued out, dream-filled room. The next shot shows a bottle of the Marshmallow vodka being poured into a fancy glass as Amber Rose says, “I might choose fluff…Then again, I might choose Whipped… Either way, vodka never felt this good.” Amber Rose hops into a limo and then onto a private jet; the commercial depicts an edgy party accompanied with Whipped Cream vodka and dancing women whipping their hair around. The underlying message here is that Fluffed is all cool and fun, while Whipped is edgy and erotic. What makes whipped cream any more “badass” than marshmallow fluff is a mystery to me, but this is the way Smirnoff portrays the flavors. This commercial attempts to show you that no matter what flavor you chose, you will not be disappointed and have a one of a kind experience. Or maybe you will chose to indulge in one flavor one night and the other the next.