The Latest Buzz on Alcohol Commercials!

Friday, March 2, 2012

Don't Get Too Dirty...

Ah that Captain Morgan is a sly devil. He is able to promote the fun and good times of associated with the drinking of his rum all while never actually drinking it in any of his commercials. That is because the Captain, as well as every other major or minor alcoholic beverage company must walk a thin line to be up to code with the law and especially with societies current value standards.

There is extensive discussion on the back and forth of the ethics of marketing alcohol, all over the internet, so I will do my best to focus on the ethics of just this single commercial alone.

That being said, this television advertisement made by Captain Morgan does a pretty good job of keeping its nose clean while making the dining room dirty in this commercial. There is not political, sexual, or racial controversy. There is no ostentatious displays of the rum that could tamper with the minds of youngsters and rightly so.

So as directed by the Captain, “Raise a glass!” but do so in a moderate way, just like the moderate marketing strategy that this commercial utilizes to stay ethical and make its targeted audience happy.


  1. I like the captain morgan add, it is tastefully done

  2. Agreed. It is classy for an alcohol commercial, and really gets the message across.
